The Law - possibility of development for women - professional legal magazine  
The legal professional magazine "The Law - Possibility of Development for Women " , no. 1(18), March 2008...  

"Monitoring of judgments of the judicial district courts of Tirana, Shkodra and Vlora for 2001-2003, in issues related to human trafficking

Three-monthly magazine "The Law Development possibility for women"
This publication enabled the issuance in Albanian and in English of parts from the alternative report "Status of violence in Albania" ...


   Mimi Kodheli - Min. of Defence, reading for Mu Sochua (Cambodia)


   Fatos Lubonja - Writer, reading for Inez McCormack (Northern Ireland)


 Klajda Gjosha - Min. of European Integration, reading for Marina Pisklakova-Parker (Russia)


  Gerti Bogdani - Member of the Parliament, reading for Hafsat Abiola (Nigeria)


   Ema Andrea - Actress, reading for Mukhtar Mai (Pakistan)


   Ben Andoni - Journalist, reading for Farida Azizi (Afghanistan)


  Foto Strakosha - Ex-football player, reading for Annabella de Leon (Guatemala)


Qendra për Nisma Ligjore Qytetare,
Adresa: Rr "Vaso Pasha" Pall 12, Shk 1, Ap 1. Tirane-Albania.
P.O BOX 1549 - Tel 00355 4 2 259 795 - Fax 00355 4 2 241 914