The Law - possibility of development for women - professional legal magazine  
The legal professional magazine "The Law - Possibility of Development for Women " , no. 1(18), March 2008...  

"Monitoring of judgments of the judicial district courts of Tirana, Shkodra and Vlora for 2001-2003, in issues related to human trafficking

Three-monthly magazine "The Law Development possibility for women"
This publication enabled the issuance in Albanian and in English of parts from the alternative report "Status of violence in Albania" ...


         “SEVEN” in Albania on 8th of November

Conceptualized as a tour that will travel six Balkan countries, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia, ”SEVEN” will be on stage for the first time in Albania on 8th of November, 2013. The Centre for Legal Civic Initiatives (CLCI), an Albanian non-profit organization, that provides free legal services to victims of gender-based violence, in a very close collaboration with Swedish Embassy in Tirana, Civil Rights Defenders (CRD), Hedda Production AB and the Swedish Institute, are organizing “SEVEN” in Albania.

“SEVEN” is a documentary play created in 2007 based on interviews with seven women rights activists from around the globe, respectively from Guatemala, Northern Ireland, Russia, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Cambodia. The seven women portrayed in the play are fighting for their own as well as other people’s human rights  Read More...

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Qendra për Nisma Ligjore Qytetare,
Adresa: Rr "Vaso Pasha" Pall 12, Shk 1, Ap 1. Tirane-Albania.
P.O BOX 1549 - Tel 00355 4 2 259 795 - Fax 00355 4 2 241 914

Mesothelioma Attorney
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