Report “On the activity of the Center for Legal Civic Initiatives” 2020-2022
Click on the link to view the full content of the report.

Civil society organizations in preventing and countering violent extremism in the western Balkans
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union, the Balkan Trust for Democracy, a project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, and the Ministry of Public Administration of Montenegro.

Civil society in prevention and countering of violent extremism in Albania
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union.

"Report on knowledge and
implementation of the gender equality standards in court decisions"
Report analyzes the main findings from monitoring the judicial practice
in the District Courts of Tirana, Durresi, Shkodra and Vlora, for the
period: January 1, 2011- June 1, 2012.

study of the economic costs for the implementation of the Albanian
legislation against domestic violence
study has been prepared by the Centre for Legal Civic Initiatives with
the financial and technical support of the United Nations Entity for
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) in Albania in
view of the 2012-2016 Co-operation Programme between
the Government of Albania and the United Nations. The United Nations
Development Program (UNDP) also has given a special technical
contribution. ...

Law: Possibility of development for women professional legal
legal professional magazine "The Law Possibility of Development for
Women", no. 1(18), March 2008, is in particular dedicated to the issues
of law and justice that are closely related to the problems of
trafficking of human beings, domestic violence and other gender related
aspects. This magazine offers possibilities to the justice staff and
bodies to get acquainted with the best practices of international
courts and of the most developed countries case law on these issues

Justice bodies in
the fight against corruption
report is an outcome of the monitoring wok and is prepared in the
framework of the implementation of the project "Increasing access and
trust of nationals in the Justice bodies via an effective
implementation of the Albanian legislation as the most important
instrument in fighting corruption". The monitoring process identified
practices followed by the Prosecution Office and the Courts of the
Districts of Tirana, Shkodra and Vlora in judging and attacking
criminal offences related to corruption in 2004-2006.

of judgments of the judicial district courts of Tirana, Shkodra and
Vlora for 2001-2003, in issues related to human trafficking"
Publication in Albanian and in English
publication reflects all the analysis and conclusions achieved from
monitoring of the Albanian legislation and of the decisions of the
courts of Tirana, Shkodra and Vlora for 2001-2003, in issues related to
trafficking of human beings. The conclusions and recommendations of the
work group underwent a detained discussion by a wide auditorium and
were afterwards published.

magazine "The Law Development possibility for women"
publication enabled the issuance in Albanian and in English of parts
from the alternative report "Status of violence in Albania", submitted
to the United Nations Committee Against Torture, Geneva, May 2005. The
topics of articles published in this magazine are varied and serve for
the recognition of international conventions on women, and of the
institutions established by law.

and Social Speeches on Protection of Domestic Violence"
This publication was realized by the legal magazine ?The Law:
Possibilities of development for women?, a publication of the WAC and
the legal and scientific magazine ?The Legal Life?, a publication of
WAC and the legal and scientific magazine ?Legal Life?, published from
the School of Magistrates, funded by UNICEF in the framework of a
project, entitled "Training of justice system professionals on domestic
violence issues"

leaflet aims at building the level of community knowledge on the legal
measures offered by the Law no 9669, dated 18.12.2006, "On
measures against domestic violence".